Sunday, 1 August 2010

Rear mudflaps and front seat cover...

The traditional Sunday working session on Booger Mobile was minus one Scottie today, as he had some family stuff to attend to (his daughter's school fete). Undeterred by this, Damian got into some of the trivial issues that required attending to - first cab off the rank - installing the front bench-bucket seat covers!!

Regular blog readers would remember previous entries about how the seat covers didn't fit properly on the headrest, so Damian painted them with upholstery paint... Turned out pretty good didn't they!!

And here it is from the front... All tied on and secure!

With a little vinyl paint remaining, Damian decided the beige kick-panels could do with a little lick of colour... Out with the old...

And in with the new!!

Check it out - there's on on the passenger side...

And what are the odds? There's one on the driver's side too!!

Damian installed the "double accessory plug" - dual cigarette lighter sockets to mere mortals!

He then turned his attention to the "simple" task of installing the rear mudflaps...

The inner-mudlap-holder-metal-thingo above is held in by three bolts - all facing different directions, and very difficult to reach. After a couple of HOURS of cursing, Damian switched to the one on the driver's side (below), which proved slightly easier to remove...

Once removed, it was painted black (of course!!)

The passenger's side required a large amount of more cursing and persuasion before finally relenting and coming out.

It was then time to work out how to actually attach the mudflaps so that they provided the right mix of protection, looks and safety!

This is the driver's side one bolted to the metal inner doover, ready for installation...

And through the magic of the interwebs, here it is installed!!

By following the same method (only in reverse), the passenger side was also fitted - here they are in all their glory!!

Damian's boys wanted a drive around the yard in Booger Mobile, so Damian did that, taking the opportunity to give the new stereo a workout, muck around with the musical air horns and play with the various lights...

He also took the opportunity to reverse Booger Mobile back into the shed - a change is (apparently) as good as a holiday!!

Fearing that there weren't enough pictures of Booger Mobile with all the doors and bonnet closed, Damian then went a little bourko...

Nice front on shot!

Driver's side from the rear...

Passenger side from the rear!

Rear from the rear... rofl...

So, that was how Damian spent his day working on Booger Mobile... You may be thinking to yourself "Goodness me, he really got three fifths of stuff all done today", and you would be right. The reason for this is that working on Booger Mobile, while fun and often rewarding, is also a complete DEBACLE!!

Which provides a nice segue into Damian's new youtube offering - The Saga of Booger Mobile - a song to the tune of Don't Like Mondays by the Boomtown Rats. Check it out!!

Hope everyone has a great week - there may be some more updates soon - you never know!!

1 comment:

  1. Not too many SUNDAY SUNDAYS BOOGER SUNDAYS,left before the Camp Quality esCarpade 2010 but we know come rain or shine with or without Scottie nothing will deter Damian from working on the Booger Mobile, after a coffee of course.
    The painted headrest came out a perfect match to the seat covers.They look fantastic as well as comfortable.Which is a must for all the traveling around the country side during the Camp Quality esCarpade 2010.
    Excellence Idea to paint the kick panels with the left over paint from doing the headrests,matching in with the Booger Mobiles interior perfectly.
    I am sure your double accessory plugs will be well used while on the esCarpade.
    "COME ON" Damian you and I know that nothing is ever that simple when it comes to the Booger Mobile(rofl)but with that all said and done you still managed to complete the not so simple task, of removing the old mudflaps and installing the new one that you had created. Well done Damian.
    Nothing better than seeing lots of pictures of the Booger Mobile from all sides.
    Wonderful that you had some special time with your boys and the Booger Mobile bet they had a blast along with their dad SHAKE RATTLE AND ROLLING,and not forgetting the flashing lights in the BOOGER MOBILE.
    Your Video THE SAGA OF THE BOOGER MOBILE is fantastic, and just goes to show everyone what an AWESOME guy you are.
    Well done one again Damian thank you.
