Monday, 6 September 2010

Accelerator Cable - the conclusion!!

Monday rolled around, and Damian had to go see a client first thing in the morning for a little while (business goes on even when there are Booger Mobile debacles to deal with), on the way home he collected Jason (from Jason Sheather Plumbing) to continue resolving the Booger Mobile accelerator cable debacle...

First thing was to take Booger Mobile to visit Barry Mac, an early Ford specialist who lives and works not too far from Damian's place... He had a brief look at Booger Mobile and identified a few issues that would need resolving, so Damian booked Booger Mobile in for next week.

However, before delivering Booger Mobile to the early Ford specialist next week, the accelerator cable debacle must be resolved!!

Returning to Damian's place, Jason commenced further investigation of the accelerator cable mounting point, while Damian checked out the pedal assembly. There were two main issues to be resolved - firstly the accelerator cable doesn't pull the throttle open to full throttle before the pedal hits the metal (ie when the pedal is flat to the floor, the carby is still only at about 2/3 throttle), and secondly the newly designed mounting point doesn't leave enough room for adjustment using the cable adjuster.

The below image shows the cable puller end of the accelerator pedal assembly...

And here's the complete assembly removed. Damian identified two issues that if resolved, would cause the right amount of cable pull, without major modifications to the system!!

Jason had to head off to a meeting of his own, so while he was gone, Damian began working out where to mount the external oil cooler for the transmission. This was a recommendation from Barry Mac...

Looks like it will fit neatly in this spot!!

Once Jason returned, Damian explained to Jason that there were two slight adjustments needed to the accelerator pedal assembly... the bend at the bottom (near where the pedal itself sits) needed to be all-but-straightened...

Go the oxy torch!!

Then the bend at the top needed to be straightened by about 10-15 degrees...

Damian risked life and limb holding the metal in the flame and taking photos at the same time!!

Damian reinstalled the accelerator pedal assembly using small bolts rather than the original hex-head screws that were a bit loose after only a few days of driving...

A test of the accelerator pedal showed that it now pulled the throttle fully open!! WOOHOO!!

Next cab off the rank was to create a modified cable holder for the carby... The water below was boiling after having the freshly welded piece dropped in it!!

And Jason does a bit more welding...

Don't touch that bit... it's hot!!

Looks a bit rough and ready, but this was just the preliminary welding to ensure it was in the correct position!!

Fits like a bought one!!

Of course, having changed the angle of the dangle for the accelerator cable, the old air cleaner no longer fits!! Damian marked out a new size for a custom made air cleaner (including some fold up tags to hold the filter element), and Jason proceeded to cut it out!!

Of course, cut tin is very, very sharp!! Jason had a turn bleeding for the cause...

More cutting... this is just the first half!!

And onto the bottom piece...

Of course, even with the custom air cleaner, there was still a bit of angle grinding to be done on the cable holder...

But once it was finished, it was spectacular!!

Of course, Damian still needs to paint it silver and buy a new filter element, but there's a nice new air cleaner for Booger Mobile, and you can see the accelerator cable loops around the Claxton Horn (left of the picture below) and into the carby, well away from the extractors!!
Hopefully (fingers, toes and legs crossed!!) this will be the end of the accelerator cable debacles!!

And who do we have to thank for this fabulous news? Jason from Jason Sheather Plumbing!!

After three days, two cables, a multitude of brackets and mounts, some pedal adjustment and plenty of blood, sweat and tears, the accelerator cable debacle would appear to be over!!

A test drive showed that Booger Mobile is now going far better than ever before, but still a bit short of where it should be - once it's been to Barry Mac next week, it should go like a rocket!! The accelerator pedal feels much better now (and only takes one foot to operate, not two like before!!)

There's still plenty to do between now and then though!!


    With the issues of the accelerator still on going, and Scottie still hands deep in motor oil from his now dead hilux,Damian has to call on his brother (and Booger Mobile sponsor)once again for the third day running, to try to help resolve the accelerators on going problems.
    As we can see by all of Damian's great pictures it was not an easy task,but at last together they managed to finally get it solved WOO HOO
    Damian and Scottie have done a magnificence job on getting the "BOOGER MOBILE" this far with some help from family,friends and great sponsors,but there are somethings that only an expert can do,hence BOOGER MOBILE is off to visit Barry Mac for that little extra expertise,to ensure that Booger Mobile will be in tip top running order for the Camp Quality esCarpade which is now only five weeks and one day away OMG
    Damian and Scottie without you both the dream of the BOOGER MOBILE would never come to pass.
    But with all your hard work guts and determination,with all the sagas and debacles sent your way you both still managed to achieve that dream.The(CLASSICAL SHOW CAR)Booger Mobile will be at the escarpade doing it for the kids.
    How awesome is that just goes to show, you two are the AWESOME TEAM BOOGER MOBILE.
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU BOTH and you great sponsors as well

  2. Thanks once again Damian and Jason. There is a chrome aircleaner top there somewhere that may fit, but the fully sic custom one is Noice. Will be back on the case of the BM shortly.
