Friday, 25 November 2011

2012 esCarpade Route Announced!!

And the 2012 esCarpade will be heading... *drumroll*

From Newcastle to Canberra!!

For full details, check out the Camp Quality esCarpade official event page here:

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

So what's been happening?

So, no doubt regular blog followers are wondering what the punchline from the 2011 Camp Quality esCarpade was...  So here goes!!

Damage report.

There was no major damage that has become apparent at this point in time.  Damian decided to wash Booger Mobile and do a bit of a stocktake on the condition...

One front tyre is completely stuffed - clearly the wheel alignment wasn't quite perfect, which isn't surprising given it wasn't redone as Damian was waiting for the new suspension to arrive first, which didn't happen in time.  (The wear indicates the camber isn't correct.)

The roof-rack moved AGAIN...  Clearly something will need to be done about this prior to the 2012 esCarpade...

Booger's head got very dirty - not so much a problem but a minor annoyance.  Damian is keen to have a completely new roof-rack ornament for next year... stay tuned for that one!!  (Chances are he'll run out of time again and use good old Booger!!)

And all shiny, back in the shed.

There are also a couple of annoying engine issues to look into - the head gasket continues to weep ever so slightly, the tappets are slightly noisy (need adjusting) and there was a minor oil leak at the rear of the tappet cover, which is understandable given the rear tappet cover bolt is broken - of course it didn't leak with the old tappet cover gasket, only when Damian "did the right thing" and replaced it with a new one!!

So the engine looks like it's going to continue to be a source of annoyance for Damian heading into 2012 - hopefully once the weeping head gasket is resolved (and while the head is off, removing the broken tappet cover bolt), that will all be sorted.

Lastly, there are a couple of very minor annoyances - the passenger brake light has an earthing issue... it worked fine, then after hitting a bump it wouldn't work, then it would after hitting another bump... good times!!

Anyway, enough of that, there'll be plenty of blog posts about the car in the lead up to the 2012 esCarpade!!

Fundraising for 2012 has now commenced!!

On Friday 4 November 2011, Damian headed to the Jagera Arts Centre at South Brisbane for the first ever Gotta Swing Lounge, being run by a couple of Camp Quality volunteers Quintin McLeod and Mark O'Brien.

As the sun went down and the tent went up, the barbeque was lit.

Damian posing with Quintin.

And cooking the BBQ.

Quintin showing off his dance moves!!

Attendees at the dance paid a minimum gold coin donation for their sausage sizzle, with all proceeds going towards Booger Mobile's 2012 Camp Quality esCarpade fundraising total.

The Gotta Swing Lounge is open to all comers who like swing dancing, and will be held on the first Friday of each month at the Jagera Arts Centre, South Brisbane.

So that's the state of affairs for Booger Mobile.  Damian has been having a well earned rest away from the car, but it will soon be time to get back into it in preparation for 2012.

Stay tuned!!