If you would like to make a tax-deductable donation to Camp Quality online, you can do so at any time by clicking the yellow "Donate Now" button on the right hand side of the screen... It looks remarkably like this one:
Fundraising for 2013 has already kicked off with a $50 donation from Ashton Townhouse - the accommodation that the boys stayed at in Tumut in 2012, and coming up in a few weeks time is the Brisbane Soundwave concert, where Team Booger Mobile will again be manning the signing tent!!
In 2013, Team Booger Mobile are aiming to raise a minimum of $10000... who's in?
Are back for another year of fun preparing for the Camp Quality 2013 esCarpade.With lot of fund raising to be done,and getting the Mighty Booger ready to take part.
All this is not an easy task,but you be sure that Damian will be in the thick of it.all.
Great to see the fund raising events are on the go and the donations are rolling in. I for one will be back on board the Mighty Booger Mobile again in 2013,its a great place to be.
Well done for 2012, I sure 2013 will be a bigger and better year for the Booger and Team Booger Mobile,as always doing it for the kids :)
Thanks Kaye... Your ongoing support is fantastic!! Couldn't do it without you!!