Sunday, 14 September 2014

Under 5 weeks till esCarpade... better get cracking on the fiddly stuff!!

With less than five weeks to go until the 2014 Camp Quality esCarpade, Damian thought it would be best to get cracking on the few remaining fiddly jobs... like stickers!!
Ably assisted by his son Jordan, it was time to stick on some new ones!!

This looks like a good spot!!

Cosmo Lighting...  phone 9639 6222 for all your LED lighting needs!!

Lookie lookie... another blank spot just the right size for a sticker!!

Cosmo Lighting...  Did Damian mention previously that Peter Poulos from Cosmo Lighting had provided a bunch of LED lights and various bits and pieces for Damian to use?

Hmmm... Nice plug there, but the blank spot below it is the one we are interested in!!

Green Apple Wellness Centre...  Made a fabulous $2000 donation to Team Booger Mobile's fundraising total... and around another $13000 to Camp Quality in general!!

Amazing how the paint looks so different in different light!!

Another Green Apple Wellness Centre sticker!!  Perfect!!

This blog post would have been much longer, except that shortly after this sticker was placed, Jordan had headed up to the front paddock to do some jumps on his bmx bike...  Unfortunately he landed on his head (on his first jump) and got a free trip to hospital in the ambulance!!  Thankfully although he was knocked unconscious tests showed no serious damage (other than concussion, of course), and after an overnight stay for observation he is back home again, so don't panic!!

Damian suggested next time Jordan should stay in the shed helping!!

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