Saturday, 28 February 2015

Fundraising - Soundwave Festival 2015 Brisbane - Day 1

Soundwave for 2015 is being held over two days in each city - day 1 in Brisbane was off to a good start with Damian scoring a car park at the Camp Quality head office!!

Volunteer gate... seems like the right place!!

Helping out on Saturday was Jack, who was one of Damian's campers on Grad Camp in 2014 - who turned 18 on Friday (the day before Soundwave)!!

Signing tent, or is it Igning Tent, signage all sorted out!!

Of course, next to the official Soundwave Merchandise tent, the signing tent looks kind of quaint!!

Kel (boss of the signing tent) standing in for Jo's annual selfie, as Jo couldn't make it to Brisbane this year!!

After the initial ticket rush, there was time for Damian to sneak out to have a look at the first band...

Apocalyptica!!  They were awesome - check out some of their work on youtube if you dare!! 

Cello's like you've never heard them before!!

Selfie... of course!!

Back at the signing tent, The Wonder Years were the first band to come through...

Damian and Kel having some fun...  Damian looks like he might be about to have a heart attack!!

Damo posing with the boys from Apocalyptica after their signing tent appearance!!

No posed photos says the sign!!

The line up for Tonight Alive, with the girl who is first in line super excited to pose with the picture of Booger Mobile on the wall!!

The line goes up and around and into the distance!!

Tonight Alive!!

Jack wanted a picture with the band - so he got one!!  Turns out Damo is the famous one though, as one of the members of Tonight Alive said to him that the guys in Melbourne had asked them to say g'day to him for them!!  Job done Sagona and Webby!!

Butcher Babies were quite popular also for some reason!!

Night fell on the signing tent, and the last couple of bands cycled through!!

After packing up, the girls made a star-selfie-something-or-other!!

So Damian joined in!!

Crazy face time!!

Always good to put your feet up at the end of a hard day in the signing tent!!

Once signing tent duties were completed, there was enough time for Damian to catch about half of Slash's set...

With Myles Kennedy on lead vocals...

The man in the hat!!

The set was awesome!!

Big crowd for the penultimate band for Saturday.

Pretty lights!!

Big finale, with confetti cannons!!

Slash playing the guitar behind his head amidst the confetti!!

Saturday was done and dusted - although there were only 14 bands through the signing tent, through ticket sales and donations a massive $2133.10 was raised... and it's only day one!!

Tune in on Sunday to find out what the grand total raised is for Soundwave Brisbane in 2015!!

1 comment:

  1. Just checking that the comments are working... nothing to see here, move along!!
