Sunday, 6 September 2015

Rooftop Pod starts to take shape...

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!!  Damian got to spend some time with his family, and also spend some time working on Booger Mobile - the race is on to be ready for the esCarpade - less than six short weeks away!!

Today would involve getting the rooftop pod theming happening.  If you look closely, you can see the pencil outline that Damian drew on to guide his painting efforts...

Starting with the mouth...

Eyes and outline of the nose...

Face and helmet outlined...

While the paint was drying, Damian decided to get some LED lights happening on the rooftop pod...  In order to do this, he had to go and buy some small, white cable ties.  He took Booger Mobile for a drive, and whoa!!  The difference that one small idler arm bush has made to the steering is incredible!!  It's like Booger Mobile has suddenly had power steering fitted!!

The LED lights being tested... they go up the side, across the rear of the rooftop pod and down the other side following the same shape...

Starting to look the goods now!!

With the outline dry, time to start filling in the blanks...  First up, the nose...

Then the tongue...

At this point, Damian made a bit of a mistake, using spray paint (squirted into a lid so it could be brushed on), which didn't give as good coverage as was hoped...  Once it dries, Damian will redo it with a newly purchased tin of hobby paint (of the same brand the other paint is).

And the helmet is painted...

Not a bad job for someone who isn't particularly artistic... once it's dry, Damian will touch up the face region, then redo the black lines where necessary...

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