Monday, 29 July 2013

Kickdown Cable Adjustment and Under Bonnet Clean

The countdown is on!!  The esCarpade is just over 10 weeks away, so it's time for Damian to pull his finger out and get some of the more fiddly tasks sorted out...

Under the bonnet is a bit dirty, so that needs a good clean... but first, the new kickdown cable doesn't quite adjust out far enough, so it will be necessary to put a spacer into the bracket to allow for more adjustment.

Of course, this is a job that calls for a beautiful assistant!!  (Damian can't be under the bonnet and under the dash at the same time!!)

The kickdown cable bracket (centre of picture below the black spacer with a hole in it) with newly added spacers...

Test drive completed, and of course, it decided to rain on Booger Mobile while Damian was cleaning under the bonnet!!

Passenger side still looks alright...

And far less dust and grime under here now!!  Sadly, Damian also managed to water blast some of the paint off the side of the engine block... whoops!!

With just over ten weeks until esCarpade, there are three more fundraising events that Booger Mobile will be attending...
1.  Brisbane Billycart Championships.
Sunday 18 August 2013 at Carindale Recreation Reserve, Cadogan Street, Carindale.
2. Corvettes on the Coast
Sunday 15 September 2013 at Southport Parklands.
3.  2nd Annual Team Booger Mobile Skating Fundraiser
Sunday 22 September at Sk8mania North Lakes.  5pm to 8pm.
Three more opportunities to get along and support Team Booger Mobile, who are past the minimum amount, and are on their way to their $10000 goal!!

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