Monday, 30 September 2013

Stop!! Booger Time!!

Tonight's blog begins three days ago back on Friday 27 September...  Team Booger Mobile had a special helper for the day, Vivien, who regular blog readers may remember from previous blogs.

Vivien checked out the nice wiring revamp under the bonnet...

Today was the day that Booger's head would get some nostrils, without which, it would be difficult to have boogers!!  Damian found an old hole cutting tool in his cupboard and gave it a file to clean and sharpen it...

Really putting effort in now!!

Adjusting the length of the bars sticking out the side, as Giggle looks on...

Time for some nose work!!  First, a pilot hole...

Then, out comes the newly sharpened hole cutting bit!!

Yep, that's where it goes... quickly!!

First drill wasn't cutting it (pun intended), so out came the big drill!!

Which succeeded on melting the tips of the hole cutting bit...  oops!!

Time to do it the old fashioned way... a bigger drill bit, with the drill moved in a circular motion...

Followed by tinsnips!!

Then clean out the nostril with a nice round file... hold still Giggle, this won't hurt a bit!!

Then insert some protective rubber grommets, so that the sharp edges are hidden...  True to form, Damian managed to slice his palm on one of the sharp bits, but there was no blood, so it didn't make the cut (pun intended)!!

And one nostril finished...

And through the power of the interwebs, the second one is magically finished also!!

Time for a bit of pink touch-up paint to hide a multitude of sins...

Action shot of Damian shaking the magenta paint for Giggle's tongue...

And touching up the tongue...

Time to see how it looks on the roof...

Looks great!!  (It's always good to give the sponsors a plug!!)

Looks pretty good... but there's something missing...

Ears!!  How about making ears out of some pillow stuffing?

Looks about the right shape...

Jig-sawing a bit of ply to hold the shape of the ears...

Paint it to see how it looks when it's the right colour!!

Not too bad at all!!

Damian doing a happy dance while showing Vivien the new LED lights on the roof...

Vivien having a turn at jig-sawing the next ear...

And two ears!!  Looks even better now!!

Damian playing the fool...

First attempt at padding out the ears...  using some underlay foam...

Vacuum off the dust...

Bit of spray adhesive...

While waiting for it to go tacky, Damian installed the amber rotator...

Giggle laughing at Vivien taking  a photo of Damian's butt...

Trimming the foam...

Give it a coat of paint...

Looking alright...

Vivien turning her hand to soldering some wires onto the spare LED lights...

Damian showing a good deal of trust holding it still for her!!

Night fell, and Damian headed back up to the shed to give the ears another coat...

Still looking good...

The next morning (Saturday 28 September), it was time to attach the boogers into Giggle's nose...

And up on the roof, testing the wiring of the first set of boogers, making sure that the second set are attached so that the lights alternate when flashing...

Damian showing where boogers come from!!

Concentrating on attaching wires temporarily without releasing the grey smoke!!

Open head surgery attaching the wires...

This looks a little delicate...

Meanwhile, the foam underlay ears had been an epic fail, so a new plan was hatched - making ear shaped pouches out of material that could be stuffed with the pillow stuffing (and the ply wood to attach it securely).

Vivien tries out the ear... or is she talking on the phone?

The action now moves to Monday 30 September, as Damian tries to get things finished off ready for the rapidly approaching esCarpade!!

Voila!!  One ear attached!!

And two ears, making Giggle look much more evenly weighted!!

Once that was done, it was time for Damian to locate the mounting bolts for Booger's head...  in doing so, he decided a good spring clean of the shed was in order, and this is the result!!

Impressive eh?  Get a good look at it, it's highly unlikely to stay like that!!

Booger's head has now been repainted, rethemed (somewhat), ears attached, boogers attached... 

So that's the end of work on Booger's head...  Or is it?

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