Friday, 21 October 2016

esCarpade 2016 - Day -1 - Arrive in Batemans Bay

Waking up in sunny Kuringai, it was time for the boys to consider moseying in the general direction of Batemans Bay...

First stop - the coffee shop 750m up the road!!

Winding through the backstreets - does this GPS know where it's going?

Oh... there's the highway entrance - guess it does!!

Rock walls, roadworks and bad drivers are the story of the trip south, so feel free to scroll really quickly and it's almost like you are there in the car!!

Oh joy, traffic!!

This truck was so shiny, it was nearly invisible!!

Damian started to shudder as he recalled the trip to Parramatta for his sister's wedding - the GPS took him onto the toll road, then off again at the very next exit (shown below), and back onto the same road they had left!!  Holy pointless toll, Batman!!

Thankfully this time the boys continued south for many more kilometres!!

Upside down UFO on a stick, anyone?

Hands up who thought there were no pyramids in Australia?

Roadworks?  What roadworks?

It's an Avocado-ulance!!

What goes up...

Must come down!!

This sign means "landing ramp ahead", right?

Sorry Dredge's... the boys bypassed Wollongong...

After a fuel stop, it was time for Adam to take the wheel... he looks particularly chuffed about it, too!

Nice scenery...

This shot has everything - an open road, a rock wall, and nice scenery!!

Only to be topped by this shot, with a rock wall UNDER a bridge!!


Think it's time to keep right...

And do 40...

Alright, alright...

Damian suggested Adam jump the truck - that's why they left the ramps down, right?

Into the windy bits...

This person was doing their utmost to drive into the back of Booger Mobile...

Downtown Berry.

Better duck under this bridge!!

Helicopter on a stick in Nowra.

Hey Bill and Carmel!!  You're going the wrong way!!

Brown Hill water tower...  The boys were unsure about drinking that water!!

Getting closer...

66km to Batemans Bay!!

Nice old bakery at Milton.  Damian suggested it would have been quicker to head out Corro Drive and turn onto Park Road, and they would have arrived in Milton much sooner!!

Giant golf ball on a stick!!

Ulladulla fella!!

With a fish in the middle of the roundabout - you don't see that every day!!

Artistic shot of Adam in the rear view mirror...

Alright, who put the stop light on the highway?

And away!!

Expect Delays... you don't say?

Slow down!!

Batemans Bay!!

Heading across the Batemans Bay bridge - the hotel is at the other end of the bridge on the right.

The boys arrived in Batemans Bay safe and sound!!

While doing a spot of shopping, Adam tried out an alternate car for this year's esCarpade... it has about as much legroom as Booger Mobile has for Damian when Adam has the seat pulled forward!!

1300km down.  Booger Mobile has run like a dream the whole way (touch wood).  Tomorrow will bring scrutineering and the formal welcome dinner, before heading off on Sunday for the actual driving portion of the 2016 Camp Quality esCarpade.

What's that?  You want another video?  Well, alright...  Damian and Adam amused themselves again on the way to Batemans Bay...  Enjoy!!


  1. NSW sure seems to have a thing about objects on sticks.

    1. hehe... and I've tried to photograph all of them!!

  2. Both hands on the steering wheel Adam!!!
    Looks like a nice drive in between the roadworks
    Safe Journey to you both
    Rose x

  3. More photos please Damian! I want to see how you can get a photo of the booger mobile on a stick

    1. Thanks Scott!! Did you get a photo of me on the way down? ;-)

      BTW, if Booger Mobile is on a stick, I would suggest things have gone horribly wrong!!

    2. Yes ihave looked at all the photos. Surely some trick photography can have the booger mobile on a stick. Keep up the good photography it looks fun .

  4. Did you jump the truck? Cmon! Pics or it didn't happen! 😂

    1. Well, I was busy hanging on for life, so I missed the shot... You've seen Dukes of Hazzard, right? It was similar to that!!
