Monday 11 October 2010

Three more sleeps - time to prepare!!

With only three sleeps to go, Damian had quite a list of fiddly items to attend to on Monday. Sadly, Mother Nature had other ideas, and the heavens opened up, causing quite a deal of flooding around South East Queensland. At Team Booger Mobile headquarters, the flood waters rose, then the rain eased off and they receded, then rose, then receded... repeated for most of the morning. Thankfully, this time an actual flood was avoided!!

Heading to the shed to get some of the things sorted out, Damian first stuck on the front windscreen number - what do you know, it's still number 64!!

Drilling holes in the roof rack for the rear of Booger's head was the next task... so an ideal time to take a pic of it in place... first from the back!

And then from the front! Don't adjust your eyes, this photo is a little blurry...

Next up it was time to attach the boogers to Booger's nose...

He looks a little sad with the double bunger...

Next was to tidy up the wires inside, and put some foam tape where the jerry can will sit!

The rest of the afternoon saw Damian commence sorting tools out ready for the journey... It was then time to head to Doug (from silver sponsor Aqualogical)'s house. Doug used to be a hairdresser, and kindly offered to dye Damian's hair...

Here's the before pic from the front!

And from the rear...

Damian is really hanging out for a hair cut!!

This nice blue stuff is actually a peroxide solution - used to bleach hair to a lighter colour.

Getting started...

The red patch on Damian's forehead was caused by a bit of peroxide being spilled on him... it burns!!

Tough teeth - grrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Damian saying "Check it out, Doug's torturing me!"

And the peroxide is nearly done...

Time to sit and wait, and let the peroxide do its thing!!

Damian then headed into the shower to wash the peroxide from his hair - the result can be seen below!!

Time to prepare for the colour...

This colour is called "Electric Lizard Green" by Manic Panic!!

Looking good with the first bit...

Damian seems to be enjoying this part a little too much!!

And enjoying a nice glass of wine, waiting for the hair dye to do its thing!!

Looks a bit like someone smeared avocado over Damian's head!!

And another shower was had, then Damian's hair looked like this!!

And a quick blow dry...

All in all, it didn't turn out as green as Damian expected it would, but it's still pretty impressive, given that Damian had never dyed his hair ever before!!


    Well its almost time for the Camp Quality esCarpade, and what a fantastic thing Damian and Scottie have achieved with the task of preparing the CLASSIC SHOW CAR CALLED THE BOOGER MOBILE.
    With so many things seemly going against them they did not give up until they had the Booger Mobile completed,with the help of family friends and sponsors.A very big thank you to everyone involved with this wonderful adventure of TEAM BOOGER MOBILE AND THEIR BOOGER MOBILE.
    Very soon the boys will be on their way in the esCarpade,travel safely have fun and enjoy the experience, for you both are the AWESOME TEAM BOOGER MOBILE.Doing it for the kids.
    How awesome does Damian look.From brown to a bluey grey, to white to a beautiful golden blonde (which looked really cool) to the fantastic Booger green.

  2. Hmmm... are YOU trying to copy Matt (for a change)? Before you got the Electric Lizard Green colour, your bleached blonde locks were the same colour as Matt's hair for Melinda's wedding !!!
    Looks good green though :)
